Lesson 2 | Setting Global Illumination | Cg Blog

Lesson 2 | Setting Global Illumination

Now take your time: 10-12 minutes again to complete all the tasks.
Setup the Gamma Workflow and create 2 presets for Global illumination: Test and Final.

Watch here how to do:





  1. Just di this setting once: preferences keep in memory for ever.
    Go to Menu > Customize > Preferences and set Gamma and LUT that way :
  2. Check the video to create & save Test Preset on your Pc
  3. Check the video to create & save Final Preset on your Pc
  4. Check this image if you prefer :
    TEST = set the red options
    FINAL = leave all red options set before and modify just the yellow ones.




Gamma settings helps to imitate the real Camera behavior:
If you don’t set this way your renders will always look too dark and contrasted.

Test Preset :
It’s a global setting for fast tests. Shadows could be a little bit strange: of course, it’s a draft.
Probably you can see other settings around the web: don’t worry. It’s the same.

Final Preset :
It’s for final render. Render will take more time but the “difinition” will be higher.
Probably you can see other settings: don’t worry. These settings are universal.



From the lesson 3 we ALWAYS use TEST and FINAL presets.
I strongly reccomend to create and save them: this will speed up your work! 



Go to Lesson 3

28 Responses

  1. Hina Chitalia says:

    its a very useful .Thanx
    can u tell me one thing in irr.map why we use ‘HIGH’
    can we use custom ? what is the main purpose of all these preset?

    what is pre pass & 3/4 which gives best result?


    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Hina,
      these are 2 main presets to get
      1) fast and not detailed light distribution for fast TESTS
      2) slow but detailed light distribution.. only for FINAL renders

      You can also use FINAL for tests of course..
      but you’ll waste more time. That’s not the correct workflow.

      Create these preset and watch the next lesson:
      You’ll see how to use this preset while working


  2. Hina Chitalia says:

    HI Ciro,

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi HINA 🙂
      did you set fine “Preferences” and did you also created your Presents?
      Everything was clear?

  3. Hina Chitalia says:

    HI Ciro,
    how I can download this vedio.
    I know you already gave summery & images but
    some more little tips are also in vedio.which is not mentioned in summery.
    Like—disable v ray window , low thread priority.
    that’s why .
    so—— can i download or save ?

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Hina,
      I feel sorry but the subscription is based on streaming, not on selling.
      As you can read in conditions, videos are available only for streaming.

  4. Muhammad Idzwan Sawal says:

    Hye Ciro,

    As for classical interior there are a lot of detail such as cornice ect. As I use the Vray-Final preset, there still a lot of splotches here is the pic:


    What should I tweak to handle this situation? Thanks 🙂

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi MUHAMMAD,
      it’s just a question for a future video I planned! In few words it usually depends of the rays bouncing in the room. You can control it with “Hsph Subdivs” in irradiance map. The defualt value is 50: try to increase this one to 80.. 100, try until the splotches disappear. Let me know if you can fix the problem 😉


    Hello Ciro,

    I have a question about gamma settings.
    So far, I used to have the same input and output value at gamma in order for my co-worker to see exactly the same image render I am seeing after the render is done. When I used your settings, with 2,2 input and 1,0 output, what I saw after the test render was a brighter render than mine and when I saved to a jpg format and my co-worker opened the image was much more dark than the first render. ]
    I am confused about the use of gamma and I will need some help with this setting. What I need is my co-worker to be able to see in his pc the same test render I am seeing after it is done (when I am saying the same I mean concerning the brightness exposure etc)
    I prepared 2 images I could show you in case I am not clear enough, but I can’t insert them in the comment box. How can I upload them? 🙂

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Viktoria,
      output 2,2 is a fake gamma and you can have issues in dark areas. For this you need to use GAMMA=2,2 in color mapping. I’m sure you forget that. You also have to work with V-Ray Frame buffer.
      (send the images to support@cg-blog.com, but before check ALL your settings are correct).

  6. Carlo Martin Fernandez says:

    THanks again

  7. Tatiana Khmeleva says:

    I finally know how to disable v-ray window! I hate it too, thank you very much! 🙂

  8. Jay Padhya says:

    HI Ciro,

    Thank you…
    Nice Tutorial…Really useful!!

  9. Poulus Leonardo says:

    hi Ciro…thx very much for the lessons….but i have some question that make me confused
    i wanna ask about why output gamma not same with input gamma (2,2)
    and my 2nd question is why we not check the subpixel mapping, clamp output, and linear workflow?? is it useless??
    i wanna know the diffrences because my boss in my office tell me to use that…

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Poulus,
      first of all there are many ways to arrange the same thing. In my experience this is the best one.
      Anyway you need to know that INPUT and OUTPUT gamma affect two different things:

      INPUT affect textures you use in the render. Since ALL textures are pictures taken by camera they are already gamma corrected (because every camera automatically correct gamma). You need to put 2,2 to tell to 3ds max “don’t touch these texures!!! they are already corrected”.

      OUTPUT affect the gamma of the final result: you can add gamma 2,2 in many ways… for me, in general the best option is adding gamma with gamma in “color mapping”. That means you must not add any other gamma… so OUTPUT = 1,0 (don’t duplicate the gamma, please!)

      Of course they aren’t useless! But you have to understand which is the right situation to use that.
      Generally these options is useful only in case of overexposures. (I’ll talk in future trainings)

      The correct use of this option is in combination with sRGB button (on vray frame buffer). Expecially if you’ll export your image in compositing software or in PD Player. Anyway I’ll create a lesson about that… this is sooo simple if you know the main principle, but so hard to understand without 😉

      In any case my suggestion about gamma reach the same result
      and it’s easier to understand.

      It’s a very long answer I just hope this help 🙂

  10. Poulus Leonardo says:

    wow…very nice explanation…thx Ciro…and i’ll wait for the future trainings…

  11. Ricky Cordero says:


    When using the LWF and Gamma corrections, I am noticing that when I try to make a material with a specific RGB color, the color is always different then what is shown in Photoshop. However when I make a map of that same color and apply it to a object, it matches perfectly. Why does that happen?

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Ricky,
      are you sure you have applied akk my indications perfectly?
      I think you in preferencete > gamma and LUT > OUTPUT = 2,2
      The correct value – in combination with all other settings I gave you – is 1,0.

  12. Nuno Trindade says:

    it’s important acess to your 3d max scene?
    to understand the sun and the sky.

    or it’s not important?


  13. Nuno Trindade says:

    i found the answer in the lesson 3…
    the sky it’s autimatic when we put the vray sun…

  14. AMAL SAAD says:

    Hi Ciro…thanks very much for this lessons…I just finished
    to put the Vray exactelly, I hope to study well and find more time
    for studing, I’m really interesting to learn V-ray

  15. Jonathan Vincent says:

    Hi Ciro,
    J’ve just finished to watch all your training and I really enjoy them!
    I’ve learned so much things, thanks a lot for that!

    But I’ve got a little question:
    If we follow your gamma settings and work in linear workflow how can we save in OpenEXR files?

    I’ve tried with different gamma output but each time it looks washed out in Photoshop.
    I think perhaps it’s a photoshop problem?


  16. Alejandro Ramirez says:

    Thank you Ciro, making the presets is very useful and saves you a lot of time!! I really liked the way you explain the process

  17. claudia silva says:

    Hi Ciro, this presets are only for exterior cenes?

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