3ds max 2009 training – A new course for 3ds
3ds max 2009 training – The user Mak21, present mainly on the3dstudio.com, continues to supply its virtual library of interesting and low cost videotrainings.
3ds max 2009 training – The user Mak21, present mainly on the3dstudio.com, continues to supply its virtual library of interesting and low cost videotrainings.
This article is related to Fake or Photo? I loved very much to read your comments on the previous post! It’s quite difficult to tell fake or real… I see. If I had found similar pictures , without knowing the origin, I have no doubt that: <<but that kind of debate is this? Think of […]
What do you think about? These images are Fakes or Photos? Images made with Photoshop, 3ds max, Maya, Z-brush … or Canon reflex, hp photosmart… or what? Please, leave your comment and tell us what do you think about! (The solution is here!)
I remember that some years ago, have produced a rendering in 10/15 hours was cause for pride. Now it simply means that you are a newbie! Reducing the time in the rendering production is a goal to keep in mind. We need improve our skill reducing our rendering time too. Then go ahead! But how […]
Mental Ray training: A new videoguide to learn the excellent render engine that rendered the cult movie Matrix.
Mental Ray is very power to create special effects and it is excellent working with layered rendering…