Big render, Big resolution? Tutorial to print big rendering size | Cg Blog

Big render… Big resolution? No.


big render

Recently I rendered a lot of 6m x 3m Posters for Buildings under construction… and I want to share with you my idea to choose how many pixels I need setting my rendering panel.

Everyone knows that a book is printed in 300dpi: that’s the best standard resolution.

But if I see this book to 5 meters I don’t need to increse the resolution, I’m not Superman!!! I just need to increase the format. That means I’m reducing the resolution!

Ok.. look at this file: it will explain my idea in a look!

Considering the Visual Field: looking a book (21cm x 29,9cm) to 30 centimeters is the same thing than looking an imaginery Big Book (574cm x 395cm) to 5 meters!

So, this imaginery book is 19 times bigger than an ordinary book: that means I can print a big poster with a resolution 19 times smaller: 300 dpi / 19 = 16 dpi!!!It will be a good resolution.

a4-prova-rendering-thumb.jpg Checking resolution

If you want to check your rendering resolution, print a little part (20dpi!).

The quality image is not so good, but just see the printed paper to 2 meters: Perfect!

This is the method I use to verify the quality image.


To print a 6m x 3m rendering:

  • Set rendering out to 4724 x 2362 pixel
  • Create a new document with Photoshop (6m x 3m / 16dpi)
  • Put your rendering into new photoshop document

Last suggestions

  • I prefer 20dpi that 16dpi… it’s my safety margin
  • You can render 80% and increase up to 100% with Photoshop: Render time will be cutted and nobody will notice that
  • If you have problem with memory errors, render your image in 2 parts

Et-voilà, Les jeux sont faits!

/ Also Learn Corona Renderer

17 Responses

  1. Chman says:

    Nice tip, thanks.

    Oh, “E-voilà, Les jeux sont fait!” should be “Et voilà, les jeux sont fait!” 😉


  2. Cirosan says:

    Tom!!! C’est vrai! mais il manque encore quelque chose: “-” 😉

    Merci bcp… c’est parfait maintenant!! hehe 🙂
    Thanks Tom!! (je le sais… tu es français!)

  3. Chman says:

    Even better (there still is a mistake in the sentence) : “Et-voilà, les jeux sont faits”.

    Il manque un ‘s’ 😉


  4. Cirosan says:

    Touché! 😀 lol

  5. ricardo says:

    i couldn’t agree more! i’ve used this principle with printing of large digital pictures

  6. LordRaven says:

    I’ve always said that rendering something larger than 5000 pixels wide is pointless in 90% of the cases. I am glad I’m not the only one thinking this way 🙂

  7. victor says:

    nice tip!!!, grande maestro!

  8. Pixelgordo says:

    Como las cosas geniales, de una simplicidad aplastante, y una lógica inequivoca. Cuantas peleas he tenido con este tema. Nunca hice un croquis como el tuyo en 3d que se explica por sí solo.
    Gracias por el sharing power

  9. muneer kappan says:

    very very good…………………………..

  10. muneer kappan says:

    very……….. very …………….good…………………………..

  11. muneer kappan says:

    Como las cosas geniales, de una simplicidad aplastante, y una lógica inequivoca. Cuantas peleas he tenido con este tema. Nunca hice un croquis como el tuyo en 3d que se explica por sí solo.
    Gracias por el sharing power

  12. muneer kappan says:

    I’ve always said that rendering something larger than 5000 pixels wide is pointless in 90% of the cases. I am glad I’m not the only one thinking this way


    Parece que de verdad te gusta dejar tus comentarios por aqui! jeje..
    Gracias por tus palabras 😉

  14. Gaurav says:

    Pl help me when I render 3d image its look some bright and when I save this render as jpg or some format then its look Darker !!
    I don’t know what it is ? I go for uninstall and re install 3d max 9 but problem is still same !!

  15. Nai says:

    Qué políglota Ciro! ^^
    Nice post, thx!

  16. mojo says:

    Nice tip, thanks.

  17. NEX-5N says:

    Estoy muy agradecido por cada uno de los informativos leer aquí. Yo, ciertamente, se extenderá la frase acerca de su sitio con la gente. Saludos.

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