Using RPC with V-ray the shadows doesn't work. Why? | Cg Blog

Using RPC with V-ray the shadows doesn't work. Why?



A reader ask to me why the RPC (Rich Photorealistic Content) doesn’t project shadows using V-ray.

Yes, it’s right. There’s some problem using both RPC and V-ray. When I had the same problem I must retouched the render with Adobe Photoshop. That was the only solution I found.

But not any RPC Archvision library has the same bug. There’s same collection that works fine, for example the Cars.

Anyway if you already completed your work and RPC doesn’t project shadows I suggest to “repair” it with a little postproduction (with Photoshop for example).

I think this is the best and fast way.

Besides if you want to get a more photorealistic renders I suggest to try different solutions like 3d low-poly people, for example Axyz-Design.

It allows a free download to try the models so… enjoy it!

/ Also Learn Corona Renderer

5 Responses

  1. Maria says:

    Have you seen aXYZ design new high resolution model?
    It is really nice

  2. admin says:

    Hello Maria… no, I haven’t seen it yet!
    Thank you.. I’ll go to check it! It sounds quite interesting!!!

    PD pero vos de donde sos? de tu direccion diria argentina 😉

  3. Steve says:

    Apparently, vray 1.5rc3 fixes rpc content showing up with vray. not sure about shadows with the rpc shadow plugin and vray as the renderer.

  4. maclaine says:

    when using rpc people, i render second pass using scanline for shadows. i set all other mats to matte/shadow and comp in photoshop. works fine. you also have to set the light source shadows to, um…well play around, there are only a few options, maybe shadow map, i really dont remember which one, however only one shadow setting will display. you also have to set each rpc person to display shadow. its a little more work, but you dont have to buy the rpc shadow plugin.

  5. Almatni says:


    in order to have you RPC’s casting shadows with Vray you have to enable cast shadow
    option from modify panel… (not all the RPC’s have this option but most of them)

    then select your light >>> modify panel >>> exclude > (include your rpc’s in both illumination adn cast shadows

    but since RPC’s are 2d palnes they will never give the real effects the Vray rendere found for

    thank you

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