Tutorial: understanding V-ray in deep | Cg Blog

Tutorial: understanding V-ray in deep


3d-vray-settings.jpg < A great explanation of V-ray settings, parameter by parameter, to understand it in deep. >

There’s no just english sites to find a great educational material, but you can find in many parts of the world people producing excellent tutorials.

This time we’re going to Spain!

Few years ago, Pedro Saiz Bilbao realized a very informative pages about V-ray and its settings. Many examples, many images, many experiments.. I love his work: very, very useful.

This tutorial has been wrote for V-ray 1.49 but it’s valid too. I often use it to remember details or settings values. Check and add it to your bookmarks!

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3 Responses

  1. 100cg says:

    i am a chinese.it’s sorry if my Eglish is wrong.i surprise of your knowledge.i hope to learn from you!

    thank you very much!

  2. Nomi says:

    This looks really good but i’m not able to understand Spanish. 🙁

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