Ocean Waves: Plugin for 3ds Max | Cg Blog

Ocean Waves: Plugin for 3ds Max


This post has been updated > Ocean waves V2


OceanWaves is a very, very interesting plugin to simulate…. Ocean Waves, obvious!

It’s created by Charles Hollemeersch and it’s incredible how it get a ocean model so similar from the real ocean waves!

This 3D Studio Max plugin adds a new geometry object which generates a statistically generated ocean wave suface. It allows you to set parameters like wind direction and strength, required detail, … to control the aperance of the sea surface.

This is the same technic used in the movie “Titanic” to generate the ocean.

It’s so simple to use: this 3D Studio Max plugin adds a new geometry object which generates a statistically generated ocean wave suface.

I think you could be surprised how simple and how incredible is this plug-in, so I encourage all of you to downlaod and try it… only try it once and you’ll love it.



This the plugin (former “Ocean Waves”) now including 64bit builds for 3dsmax 2014 and higher resolution!
Houdini Ocean Toolkit for Autodesk 3dsmax Download moved to: http://www.guillaumeplourde.com/


PS for Charles:
I esteem you and your work. It’s awesome… congratulations.

/ Also Learn Corona Renderer

7 Responses

  1. Andy Martinod says:


    Just to note that the plugin is for Max 6+ but not 3dsmax 9 32 or 64 bits.
    I’d be very interested into a max 9 64 bits version of it.

  2. admin says:

    Yes you’re right! Right now I opened 3ds max 9 – 32 bit and I discovered it doesn’t work… anyway I tryed it on my 3ds max 8 and it works fine!

  3. Mira says:

    I wish if I can share my 3ds max modeling with you.

  4. User says:

    Fantastic! The moviment of the waves are awsome!!
    Yes, it works perfectly on my 3DSMax 9 – 32Bit.
    I hope he continues to work on it to became better and better!

  5. gokhan hotan says:

    does it work on max 2009?

  6. prometheus says:

    Its not working on 3dsmax 2009 , is there any fix plugin for make it work with later versions?

  7. ste-fani says:

    how do you use?
    did not find it in 3Dsmax
    where he is?

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