Matte Painting: a Tutorial to learn it | Cg Blog

Matte Painting: a Tutorial to learn it


photoshop tutorial
Matte painting? What’s Matte painting?

Matte Painting it’ s a very useful and powerful technic to create imaginary landscapes.
As you can read on Wikipedia:

Mattes Painting: it’s used in photography and special effects filmmaking to combine two or more image elements into a single, final image. Usually, mattes are used to combine a foreground image (such as actors on a set, or a spaceship) with a background image (a scenic vista, a field of stars and planets).

In film, the principle of a matte requires masking certain areas of the film emulsion to selectively control which areas are exposed. However, many complex special-effects scenes have included dozens of discrete image elements, requiring very complex use of mattes.

Actually it’s easy to apply this technic using softwares, so why don’t try to do that with Photoshop?

This image you are seeing it’s created with this method and now I’m going to give you same intersting links to learn how to do that!

Here two great photoshop tutorials made by Sebastien Gaucher:

[ Merci Sebastien pour tes tutoriaux ]

/ Also Learn Corona Renderer

4 Responses

  1. Laura says:

    Great site! Thanks for the tutorials.

  2. Saarto says:

    Really good stuff! I have learned a lot from these tutorials. I hope more from this site.. Thanks…

  3. curtain says:

    nice cool tutorials

  4. umar rauf says:

    nice very nice

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