Space time: a nice 3D browser | Cg Blog

Space time: a nice 3D browser


3d browser space time Space Time is very nice browser in 3d!

You can do many things with him, for example you can use a “Google search” feature: choose Google search in the roll-bar, type what you are searching for and… voilà: Many pages in 3d space appear!

Space Time allows to search in Yahoo! Images and Google Images and take advantage of your computer’s high powered graphics and fast broadband connection as SpaceTime displays thousands of images at once.

Enter your search term and SpaceTime displays your search results in their own visual stack, the same happens if you search for Ebay…

I’ve already installed this 3d browser and it’s funny! Sure, I don’t think I’ll use Space Time daily for any search… but for Ebay and images it’s nice and useful.

If you need more details and dowload link, have a look in the official site:

[ The instalation was perfect with Internet Explorer and FireFox, same problem with Netscape ]

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