Bittbox: a great blog about Illustrator | Cg Blog

Bittbox: a great blog about Illustrator


bittbox illustratorAfter I wrote that little nice tutorial about photoretouching it’s the time to have a look on a vectorial graphic.. in two words: Adobe Illustrator!

Adobe Illustrator works with vectors, so it’s not easy to find something to download about.

But there’s a Blog, really interesting Blog I love to read from his start. Here the blogger writes everyday about Illustrator… but it’s not all: gives brushes, icons, background for free.. in vectorial format, of course!

A ton fon free downloads and tutorials to create arrows, button, cells in every style… especially glass style!

Here some posts I love very much:

I suggest to visit this Blog and adding his feed: it’s for experts and newbies!

/ Also Learn Corona Renderer

3 Responses

  1. vietnam9002 says:


  2. Leah Anderson says:

    I always use Adobe illustrator at work because i work in an animation studio. this is really a serious tool for the graphic artist.~`:

  3. i don’t know with other users but the new version of Adobe illustrator is a bit slower when it loads. ,:”

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