V-ray and Color Mapping tutorial | Cg Blog

V-ray and Color Mapping tutorial


color mapping

[ Vray Tutorial ] V-ray has various method to control the light in the scene. You can tune the lights and the environement but also you can play with Color Mapping settings.

With Color Mapping we can manage the shadow intensity and the brigtness, so it’s very important to understand perfectly this rollout.

There are different type of algorithm with Color mapping in vray 1.5: Linear, Exponential, Exponential HSV, Intensity Exponential, Reinhard and Gamma Correction … and we can read the official guide to understand all about it:

But I also found a very nice tutorial explaining the differences between Linear, Exponential, Exponential HSV… is an italian tutorial but it’s very simple so you can use the google language tools to read in english this tutorial!

Enjoy it!

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10 Responses

  1. RR says:

    hi. i download what u have given but I’m not getting how to use it.actually I’m beginner also. have seen work on vray so highly interested working on it. I search a lots but didnt get vray plugin. can u help.

  2. RR says:

    is vray only for 3ds max 9.can it work on 3ds max8.

  3. peter says:

    Nice tuts, thanks for sharing, keep up the good work.

  4. sourabh says:

    thanks sir.. :D, really nice tutorial and very helpful in understanding color mapping

  5. Interent Komputery says:

    Verry good text, good blog. Thank for help for everyone.

  6. cutechay says:

    Thanks for sharing this tutorials..

  7. reddy says:

    verry good

  8. Zy says:

    Thanks for the info. It really helps. Do you have any tutorial on how to render a realistic view with realistic material??

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