My first tutorial to start learning 3d modeling was Joan d’Arc!! almost 10 years ago!
Actually Joan d’Arc is the most famous tutorial for poligonal modeling in the world. But during these years many users added to the web their own contents about 3d modeling.
One of the last tutorials I liked is Head Modeling by Hatice Bayramoglu. Very detailed tutorial that start from a sketch and conclude with a finished 3d head model. Here the link:
Reading on the Hatice Bayramoglu site you can understand that this tutorial start with “head tutorial” but the idea is a complete tutorial about an human body!! Eye, hand, foot, lip and 3d nose.
Enjoy this fantastic tutorial and tell me… How many tutorials about human 3d modeling do you know?

Tanks for tutorial :-*
Thanks 🙂
Hello Cirosan, thanks for posting the link about HEAD MODELING – TUTORIAL.
Awesome Information, thanks for the great Post. I will come back later .
Is this urs … I luv it, it helped me alot 🙂 thxxxxxxxxx