How to reduce the rendering time | Cg Blog

How to reduce the rendering time


rendering time

I remember that some years ago, have produced a rendering in 10/15 hours was cause for pride. Now it simply means that you are a newbie!

Reducing the time in the rendering production is a goal to keep in mind. We need improve our skill reducing our rendering time too. Then go ahead! But how do? I wrote down some points that I hope can be a starting point for an analysis of your personal “rendering behavior“:

1) Use Low resolution for rendering tests.
I know, everyone likes to render a big image, but we risk to waste too many time if we always use 800×600 minimum.

2) Use Rendering Region: render only what interests you. Time to time check your shaders, verify the little differences.. and quickly find the result you’re looking for.

3) Do not add Glossy effects. Add it just when you think that the scene works fine. (I know that everyone loves Glossy effects, but we risk wasting much time.)

For V-ray users:

4) when we start the scene use fast parameters for GI:Primary buonces:
Irradiance map / -4 -4
Secondary bounces: Light Cache / 100

5) In the Vray Global Switches rollout use Override Mtl. We can use a very simple material like gray to test the light in the scene. When we are convinced of the light scene add the various shaders.

6) In DMC Sampler rollout, increse Adaptive amount from 0,85 to 1,0
The image quality will be lower, but also the time to render it!

7) About Vray Light, check the option “Store with irradiance map“. Even here, lose a little of shadows but the time is decidedly lower.

All this attentions will allow us to lower a lot the time setting. The final time rendering will be only a small part of a comparison!!

Have I forgotten something?
I hope it is a useful reminder and I hope to improve this post with your suggestions.
I await your comments and advice!

/ Also Learn Corona Renderer

57 Responses

  1. Mohamed says:

    very interesting informatios!! thanks a lot!
    but what about a very high image quality? how can we get that in no much time?! 🙂

  2. jose says:

    very useful tips as always ;), when testing ilumination also i use to disable de “anti alias” option and increase the “sample size” of light cache section…

    thank you for sharing and greets!!

  3. subeesh says:

    will you plz explain about antialiasing filters

  4. oligophant says:

    also you can keep 8 subdiv to all your materials (reflect and refract) while still in rendering test and for those materials that are far away from the camera.
    greatings , a very usefull blog
    i would like to keep in contact

  5. Prakash says:

    Can you explain to me how to apply material in vray for 3d max

    Thank you very much

  6. ajith says:

    can you give me a render preset for speed out put

  7. Insightful and useful post. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  8. Alywhosane says:


  9. Samuel says:

    very helpful tips. thanks for that

  10. eko says:

    thanks for sharing with you!
    i’am sorry can you give me about rendering with fast.

  11. raymaker says:

    nice tip!

  12. eve says:

    hi xcellent tips helped alot in time reduction but what bout rendering with good quality pls let me know

  13. valaki says:


    If you want faster render with vray !!!

    Put SolidRock plugin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  14. rana says:

    if i want faster rendrder with vray photon map can u give me more infomation about it

  15. Cirosan says:

    Sure you are valaki? 🙂
    In my blog I try to suggest you how to improve your vray skill.
    Yes… you go faster, but you lost the control.

    Everything has a bright and a dark side 🙂

  16. Cirosan says:

    hello RANA,
    I didn’t mention vray photon map, because I think this is an OLD way to get global illumination.

  17. KETUT RAI says:

    very helpfull sggstion to me.

  18. Shazeliah says:

    Very helpful suggestions, I’m also a newbie, can you give me some tips on how to furthermore lower rendering times by using modeling techniques, materials and vray proxies. By those combinations, I think we can achieve the most highest rendering times. TY God Bless

  19. navin says:

    thanks, bt sr i want v ray sun light setting

  20. my mind says:


  21. Thanks for the post! It sure offers some good tips to speed things up 🙂


  22. Mohd Altamimi says:

    Keep in mind to reduce reflections, and raytracing, if you are using raytrace shadow try to switch it to shadow map if it’s available as a choice in your 3D application, I use Lightwave 3D this option is available in Light Properties, in 3Ds Max it’s availble in General Parameters Group > Shadow Section

  23. anahita says:

    thanks a lot for your best video education,I enjoy them a lot because they make my modelings a lot better than it was before.

  24. sumedh says:

    Thank you my Friend

    Thanks for these useful tips

  25. Serghei says:

    cool thank you for tutorials, I lern mor about vray

  26. rommy says:

    hi ciro, thank you for excellent tips helped…
    what about a very high image quality? can you give me a render preset for speed out put? 🙂

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Rommy, there’s no special presets… anyway I’ll post something about in the future posts 🙂

  27. Bobby Parker says:

    thanks for the share. For your presets I use SolidRocks, which is worth the investment. I would learn V-Ray first because presets will only get you so far.

  28. yasmax says:

    i want setting vray light and sun

    thanks best ferend

  29. spayro says:

    hello sir
    thanks for reply me.
    But i wanna fundamental knowledge of vray for 3dsmax exterior rendering.
    I hope you are intrested my rendering question.

    Thanks for knowledge sharing

  30. Navdeep Brar says:

    very interesting informatios!! thanks a lot!

  31. roj says:

    frist thanks very much. u help us in animation field.
    and thank again u give us importants notes.

    sir, i need realistic interioer lighting and rendering setups.
    please, Give us about tips.

  32. Deniz says:

    nice tip

  33. reyan says:

    Thanx a lot sir for your best tutorials & samples but can u giv sum important advice
    about material settings in v-ray.

  34. Dear Charles says:

    Dear Charles,
    Please give some tutorial regarding high pixel high quality ,means photo clarity renderings.
    Kind Regards
    Prem Raj H

  35. muneer says:

    very helpful tips. thanks for that
    But sir i want final rendering settings

  36. Imran says:

    thanks alot Brother.

  37. Jamshed says:


  38. muneer says:

    Thanks,………….what about a very high image quality? how can we get that in no much time?

  39. max says:

    nice! thanks

  40. rikimaru_uzumaki says:

    Thanks!!! for the tip sir, but do you have a tips in vray on how to render animation with out flickering motions? cause the problem with vray when i animate thee seems to be flicker in animations especially in moving objects.

  41. ravinder says:

    Thanks sir your tutorial very help full

  42. Odart says:

    Thanks a lot for your tips Ciro. They’re always very usefull for all.

  43. Paulo Lima says:

    Thanks Ciro .. this is very important issue .

  44. kudit says:

    wow its very helpful, thanks. for next article i hope you discuss a variety of makes metal with v ray, because for a variety of metal materials is strongly influenced by the background, so i want make some material metal with v ray with simple background but fully metal in material, thanks.

  45. chens says:

    hi ciro, thanx for the very useful and lovely tips. i always wait for your new post.
    thank you very much

  46. ricozone says:

    Hi Ciro,

    i just found your site today, your tips’n tricks are very interesting.
    I’d like to share my experience of render settings with vray.

    Here are my ways for rendering faster when woking on image with vray :
    – as you said, decrease rendering size (320×240 or 480×360)
    – i don’t like using override mtl because i can’t see the “bleed” or “bounces” of material colors, but not loading maps is very fast !
    – in global switches tab uncheck displacement, in reflection/refraction i use max depth to 2
    – for the image sampler, i stay with adaptive subdiv set to -1/2 (default), also renders are even faster with fixed (no img sampler)
    – for the antialias, i don’t use any antialias (unchecked), or i use “catmull-rom” which is faster than “area” (“area” takes few more little seconds to smooth the render, and i like “catmull’rom” sharpeness)
    – for the GI, i use several methods for fast renders, it depends :
    1) – Primary & secondary bounces set to light cache with a value to 250
    2) – PrimBounce = IrrMap : preset “very low” + HSph. subdivs decreased to 30 + unckecked multipass, SecondBounce = LCache (250)
    – in “Settings” tab, DMC sampler : as you said, increase adaptive amount from 0.85 to 1.0 + increase Noise threshold to 0.05 + decrease global subdivs mult to 0.5 or 0.8

    After all that stuff, image render is faster but quality is far away and we have to know that many details are not visible…. details that we will have to handle with a high render.
    I’m using render region with good quality presets to see details, and go back to low quality presets for global img.

    First monthes i used vray, i spent many times playing with settings, trying to get renders done in time. Sometimes that was painfull, but that helped me learning vray (i’m still far from a vray master !).

    Now, in my production flow, i use two plugin/scripts that really help me focus on the image/subject instead of spending times with render settings :
    1) – “Vray Quick-render” from author Alex Kramer (aka “Track”), which can be found in his free scripts package “TrackScripts“, this one is very handy for changing settings into low, mid and hi presets only in renders (not in scene), so your final presets stay unchanged
    2) – “Solid Rocks”, this one is not free but really, really cheap regarding render time saving. I don’t use it when working on my scene, but only when rendering final high big images in big resolution (at least 3000×4000) with big quality. I have to render several times (2 or 4x) my final image beacause my clients change their goals, deadlines are very short… that’s why i’m using it. I don’t want to say “this plugin is the solution” NOOOO ! but it makes mathematical interpretations of your scene depending on the render size and gives you settings that are really optimized. The goal is to avoid unnecessary high presets.

    I totally agree with you when you say “keep the control”, and i still play with settings, but deadlines are short …. so here is my workflow to speed up calculating and see results and focus my brain on client desires.

    I also have to mention the materials handling :
    – avoid unnecessary glossy (as you said)
    – keep an eye on subdivs (don’t keep a value higher than 6-8 for an object material lost in the background of your img !)
    – vray seems to be afraid of opacity (i found it time consumming)
    – try to convert standard materials to vray mtl as many as possible (i use another script “VrayMtl Converter v2.5” from 3DZver in scriptspot

    Hope that helps, cheers

  47. paks says:

    Thanks………….really nice tip.

  48. mahdi says:

    very nice tips hiro. i know some tips you say.
    however your post is useful to me.
    why do not use fixed for image sampler?

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Mahdi… it’s because the other antialiasing are optimized. Fixed is the only one no-optimized… you can use it with value=1 to get faster image with a really poor antialising.

  49. syed iqlas says:


  50. ORLANDO HOYOS says:

    Muchas gracias, consejos de gran utilidad.

  51. magic hands says:

    Always the best tips….

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