Fake or Photo - photorealistic renderings - Solution | Cg Blog

Fake or Photo – Solution


This article is related to Fake or Photo?

I loved very much to read your comments on the previous post! It’s quite difficult to tell fake or real… I see.

If I had found similar pictures , without knowing the origin, I have no doubt that: <<but that kind of debate is this? Think of images… what the argument therefore? I don’t understand something? >>.

The software is at the stage of evolution that the complete photorealism is possible, at least for still images. Let me add that this is not enough, we need also that the “artists” decide to work with!!

Finally this is the result of the combination of great representation artits and advanced rendering and modeling software.

Do you recognize these images? They are the 3d models of Old man and Sexy Model before the texturization. The incredible artists are Lee Perry-Smith and Stanislav Klabik, whose gallery are among the most interesting of Cg Society.

3ds max, BodyPaint, Lightwave 3D, Photoshop, ZBrush dor the Sexy Model and… “just” 3ds max, mental ray, Photoshop (this is the discussion related) for the Old Man.

I fear when I see similar things… but don’t, if someone is asking “but how do you that?” I have the solution:

PS Who is the dog? Simple, he’s Billy…

/ Also Learn Corona Renderer

3 Responses

  1. TONIA says:

    I think both images are fake

  2. TONIA says:

    sorry, i hadn’t seen the previous images…..

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