Before talking about V-Ray Frame Buffer I would say that …
The last training in Rome was rich and exciting for everyone. I thank all the participants and especially Carmine, Ivana, Daniele and Giuseppe who helped me make it a great event.
Thank you to everyone 🙂
Before to start I want to clarify that the V-Ray frame buffer is not a magical tool to produce better renderings. It’s simple tool that has some interesting options such as control of exposure, curves. It’s helpful and easy to use (Official guide> V-Ray framebuffer)
I always use V-Ray Frame Buffer and would like a specific button to open it fast. But there isn’t yet. So I found a super-simple way to crete if in 1 minute.. I hope you will like to have your personal button for V-Ray Frame Buffer!
You just need to copy this code:
vr = renderers.current
vr.showLastVFB() a button you can simply create using CustomizeUserInterface > Toolbars:
Note: In the last versions you can also use right mouse button > ShowVFB…
but I prefer to have my personal button! 🙂

hey CG-blog
nice nice
Very good and excelent tip!!
Thank you!!
Dude .. thank’s. one of the best blogs I’ve seen so far. Keep going .. simple and effective.. brilliant!
Cheers mate!
haha excelent as always! keep the good job and thanks for everything!
thankyuo for maxScript and render vray.
please send me more video tutorials about v ray
Great! it’s exactly my problem.
You could also just right click in the viewport. In the quad menu go down to Vray Vfb.
You’re right.. but there are versions has not this option 🙂
Anyway I like button more than right-click…
Thanks a lot…….!
Thank you so much..
What’s up Ciro!
So sweet and simple, thanks, I wish you more success!
gracias ciro, muy amable !!!