A personal button for V-Ray Frame Buffer | Cg Blog

A personal button for V-Ray Frame Buffer


Before talking about V-Ray Frame Buffer I would say that …

The last training in Rome was rich and exciting for everyone. I thank all the participants and especially Carmine, Ivana, Daniele and Giuseppe who helped me make it a great event.

Thank you to everyone 🙂



Before to start I want to clarify that the V-Ray frame buffer is not a magical tool to produce better renderings. It’s simple tool that has some interesting options such as control of exposure, curves. It’s helpful and easy to use (Official guide> V-Ray framebuffer)

I always use V-Ray Frame Buffer and would like a specific button to open it fast. But there isn’t yet. So I found a super-simple way to crete if in 1 minute.. I hope you will like to have your personal button for V-Ray Frame Buffer!

You just need to copy this code:

vr = renderers.current

..in a button you can simply create using CustomizeUserInterface > Toolbars:

I made ​​a short video that illustrates this simple procedure. I am sure that will be helpful to many of you who, like me, are tired to do too many clicks;-)

Note: In the last versions you can also use right mouse button > ShowVFB
but I prefer to have my personal button! 🙂

/ Also Learn Corona Renderer

14 Responses

  1. inner says:

    hey CG-blog
    nice nice

  2. Matias says:

    Very good and excelent tip!!

    Thank you!!

  3. Erico Lisboa says:

    Dude .. thank’s. one of the best blogs I’ve seen so far. Keep going .. simple and effective.. brilliant!

    Cheers mate!

  4. Lautaro says:

    haha excelent as always! keep the good job and thanks for everything!

  5. Hamzeh says:

    thankyuo for maxScript and render vray.

  6. shas says:

    please send me more video tutorials about v ray

  7. papayak04 says:

    Great! it’s exactly my problem.

  8. Alex Darby says:

    You could also just right click in the viewport. In the quad menu go down to Vray Vfb.


    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi ALEX!
      You’re right.. but there are versions has not this option 🙂
      Anyway I like button more than right-click…

  9. bindiya says:


  10. Asim says:

    Thanks a lot…….!

  11. under says:

    Thank you so much..

  12. Sohaib ZIZANE says:

    What’s up Ciro!

    So sweet and simple, thanks, I wish you more success!

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