Rendering the Sofรƒ with V-Ray - Training | Cg Blog

Rendering the Chesterfield Sofa


Last week we made 2h training modeling this classic sofa.

This week I will show you how to make a simple scene and render it in V-Ray.
In this training I will show you how to make 2 different versions of the scene.

These are the final renders I’ll explain in the Premium Video below:


We will make the full scene with lights and materials from scratch – wall paneling, floor, windows, and even the cloth simulation on the sofa :

  • Video pt.1: Modeling and lighting the Scene – 24′
  • Video pt.2: Material setup for the 1st version – 16′
  • Video pt.3: Material setup for the 2nd version – 12′
  • DOWNLOAD Final Scenes here

Watch the full training below.
Enjoy [wlm_firstname]!

[private Premium|Premium-1year]

START: Click Here to get the sofa model without textures.

Part 1: Modeling and lighting the Scene / double click for full screen


Part 2: Material setup for the 1st version / double click for full screen


Part 3: Material setup for the 2nd version / double click for full screen



/ Also Learn Corona Renderer

26 Responses

  1. mohammed1974 says:

    AWESOME… thank you sir *_*

  2. Jennifer AA. says:

    Wow… renderings are amazing!
    thank you for this training.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Cg lucas bra says:

    Thank you. I learnt a lot of things.

  4. Jacky Lee says:

    this is amazing work!

  5. Jhon says:

    Really good job! Very useful and clear!

  6. Albert says:

    This kind of tutorial are that i was looking for.
    Detailed and not boring. Great!

    Thank you!

  7. Ricardo Mangili says:

    Hello Ciro
    One question….

    Rendering by Vray frame buffer the colors of render are great….
    but if I render in the normal frame window, the image gets brigther.


  8. juan beliz says:

    Hi Ciro
    I’m trying to download the scene file, but I can’t, cause what I download is a 0Kb file size.
    IS there any problem to download it?
    I’m using Chrome web browser, should I try with another different?


    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Juan!
      you’re right… but it’s strane because if I download it from the ftp is perfect! But ONLY THIS FILE has problems via browser. I’m investigating ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. VIKTORIA says:

    Hello again!
    I am trying to download the “ready to render scene” from the section of Rendering Chesterfield Sofa but instead of the sofa I get the “cgblog_january_2012_scene”. I think something is wrong here… :-0

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Yes, fixed! ๐Ÿ™‚
      It’s funny becasue the file you was looking for, it was linked fine right in this post ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Free 3D Models says:

    Great tutorial, thanks a lot. really appreciate.

  11. Simon Hinkley says:


    Great renderings, just wondering if you had to adjust the maps, to get the renders just right?

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Simon, this video is a demonstration (it’s not a lesson) for this the author do it by instict, just looking at the image.

  12. Serdar SEZER says:

    Selam Cairo,

    Wonderful. Thanks for share.

  13. Drahoslav Mizerak says:

    Hello Ciro,

    i would like to ask you, why did you use VRay Light as a Skylight Portal? This light should simulate the light coming from window, so, is it better to use VRay Light with checked SkyLight Portal in all interiors where VRay Light is for simulating light coming from outside or only for Studio renders? What is the difference between checked and unchecked this option? Thank you

  14. Julhas says:


    Great renderings.

  15. Eduardo Gomes Baroni says:

    Great material tips. Thanks

  16. vijay ponnambalam says:

    Hi Ciro Sannino,

    This is vijay,

    When i working in vray exterior lighting i am not able to control the shadow brightness because of the secondary bounce,pls help me how to control the shadow brightness.


    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Vijay,
      the point is not the secondary bounce because this is from nature. The point is be able to manage the light balance. My trainings are plenty of such lessons.

  17. ANIELA BAN says:

    Hello Ciro. I have a question that I’ve never managed to find an answer. If by mistake you close the vray frame when it still renders, is there any chance to bring it back, so that you can see what it renders? Sometimes happened to me, and it was awful not to see what I’m rendering when it takes a lot of time… Thank you so much

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