Best Settings for V-Ray (?!) | Cg Blog

Best Settings for V-Ray (?!)


What are the best-of-the-best settings for V-Ray?

Here the solution:

  1. Set V-Ray as the current rendering engine
  2. Antialiasing: Adaptive DMC / Min=1 , Max=100
  3. Indirect illumination: 1° Brute force + 2° Light cache.
  4. Light cache: 5000 and Interpolation samples to 5.
  5. Color mapping: ‘Clamp output’ and ‘Sub-pixel mapping’ must be off.
  6. DMC sampler: Adaptive amount parameter to 1.0 – Noise threshold 0.005

Are not my words, these setting are on the official V-Ray online guide of Chaosgroup.
They call this configuration “Universal Settings” :

« The ‘universal’ settings comprise a set of settings that we have found to work very well for still images in many situations » – Read more…

We must believe 😀

But look at this. I compared Universal Settings / My Final Settings / My Test Settings / Real Time

(If you are a premium member, download here this scene)

Uhmm… I can’t see any miracle in “Universal Settings” ?! Why? O_o

Of course you can see some different reflection, a small difference in brightness, but the truth is that there’s no difference in terms of look and emotional impact.

That’s the point: parameters don’t affect ‘Aesthetic Quality‘.

‘Universal Settings’ represents the best setting about sharpness (6h rendering)…. so remember: In ‘Render Setup’ you have tools to get the same image in less time (36mins), but there’s no way here to affect Aesthetic quality.

Now, the real question is: what affects  Aesthetic Quality‘ ?
This is my list:

  • balance of light
  • the right choice of color
  • dynamic balanced composition
  • photographer’s eye
  • artistic approach
  • detailed 3d models
  • nice shaders
  • nice shot

In fact all these things never change during my 4 tests 🙂
For this reason Aesthetic Quality can’t change, of course.

Usually people make efforts to improve quality, trying and testing all Render parameters: that’s wrong.
« Parameters and Aesthetic Quality are two different things »

Learn parameters to reduce your render time;
Study photograpy/color design/art to improve your Aesthetic Quality.

To your success.


NOTE: The goal of this post is not giving the best settings. This post is an experiment to separate two concepts: sharpness and beauty. Usually we call both “quality”… that’s right but they are two different kind of qualities. I hope to help you understanding where to direct your efforts to improve the results.

/ Also Learn Corona Renderer

27 Responses

  1. ayan13 says:

    Quite right! Thank you!

  2. subeesh chandran.v says:

    Awesome …

  3. jade says:

    thank you so much sir for a very nice tips.

  4. Huzef says:

    Thanks. This is very nice

  5. eugene norman says:

    shukran habibi

  6. Artem "Arty" Belousov says:

    Helpful, tnx :))

  7. ginanjar says:

    where’s the real time setting? i need for the test, thanks…

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      hi ginanjar
      “Real Time” has no settings. It’s V-Ray RT.
      just load VRAY RT as active shade in “assign renderer” and run it.

  8. chens says:

    great and helpful tips, thanx sir

  9. amir says:

    i have a question
    do you know a solution to create lights like LED lights by vray? i mean some LED lights that are used in ceiling to clone starry sky…lights like dots

  10. Joe says:

    Very nice! But what settings are you tweaking to reduce the render time so drastically? You showed the universal setting configuration, what is yours?

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Joe, “parameters” was not the topic of this post. Anyway if you read the post again I’m sure you can find this link inside: I just remember you that you won’t find any explainations about because this was not the topic of this post.

      • Joe says:

        I realize that. I did find that link, which is to the universal settings chaos group recommends, if you read my comment again however, you will see that is not what I wanted to know. I was wondering about your own settings you say you use, as they are obviously much more efficient than what vray recommends and have an extremely similar aesthetic result.

        • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

          Sorry for my poor english, what I mean is : this link I suggest you is not only about Chaos settings. There are 3 settings inside: universal, my final and my test settings. I hope to understand your question.

  11. VIKTORIA says:

    You rendered the above scene with your final settings at 32 minutes.
    Can you give us an idea about what kind of pc did you use? I tried to use render this scene and the estimated time was about 3 hours! 🙁

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Vicktoria, I’m using a NASA pc…. hehe 😉 Did you effectlvely completed the render?

      • VIKTORIA says:

        well… building light cache took about 1:30 hour, the first prepass 2:48 hours and the final render 3:15 hours! That’s my time! 🙂
        If yours, took only half an hour then definately I want a workstasion like yours!
        I know that I do not have the best workstation, but I saw that some parameters of yours, had way to high values than mine, so the render time was much more longer.
        I noticed that the adaptive DMC max subdv (and I compare them with the parameteres of the sofa scene) were 50. Isn’t this a high value??

        Ps.Sorry for my long comment…

        • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

          Uhm…no, Vicktoria. There’s something wrong at your side.
          Even DMC is 50, light cache is indipendent.

          Try this:
          Go to Render Panel (F10) > Settings (tab) > V-Ray System (rollout) > Default geometry = DYNAMIC

          Render again and let me know.

          • VIKTORIA says:

            Ciro, once again you are right! 🙂
            When I rendered the scene I did not choose YOUR final settings but I left it with the settings it already had. But… after I realised my mistake, and choosing your final settings from vray-final preset, it took me approximately 2 hours. :-(. Better than before, but still longer than you did. I can credit this difference due to the fact that you have a NASA pc!

          • VIKTORIA says:

            I forgot to tell you that I work with an Intel Core2 Quad Q9300@2.50GHz with 4Gb RAM NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT. What’s comments about the above?

  12. Sadanand M says:

    Dear ciro thxs for ur tutorials , but i am not able to download the link….pls hepl me…to download ….txs

  13. Lama says:

    Hello Ciro !

    Thanks a lot for the post. I used your settings they’re fast and great.
    But as you said, we should learn and be familiar with the settings. I don’t want to just keep copying settings without understanding them !
    So could you please list the important settings with brief explanation?

    Would really appreciate it !

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