Final render – Sandwiching technique | Cg Blog

Final render – Sandwiching technique


Nothing special to say about the final render.

Just load “vray-FINAL” preset and run the final render.
Note: After loading the preset remember to modify memory limit to 10.000 because of hair and fur.

Et-voilà the final result:

Download this scene / full 3d / all V-Ray settings included (only for premium)


As you can see the curtain is totally overexposed: a big and flat white area in the middle of the image. Maybe you like it, maybe not, objectively this is bad for a picture because of missing details. Did you already rendered?! No problem, we can fix it that without render again!

This technique comes from the “real” photography: It’s really simple and effective and you’ll solve your problem in few minutes, converting the 1st image in the 2nd one:


Watch the video / with voice

[private Premium|Premium-1year|5trainings]

ATTENTION!!! This video is narrated! 🙂
This is my first experience speaking in english and I’m not a native speaker:

Please leave a comment to tell me if you like narrated or subtitled version.



  • Save the regular render: image1
  • Low the exposure with tool “Exposure correction”: save image2
  • Open both images in photoshop (use image1 as background)
  • Mask image2 / invert the mask / paint white on the mask
  • Use opacity and choose the minimum value to get details on the curtain

- Download here the PSD file / check how layers works

- Download here PSD 2 file / another postproduction, check it 😉




Download DELICATE ROOM – all V-Ray Settings are included (for 3ds max 2010 or superior)
Note: if you get some error downloading this scene, please try different browsers.


/ Also Learn Corona Renderer

9 Responses

  1. hamid ghaznawi says:

    Hi sir
    thanks for your best web site!!!

  2. Labrini Karathanasi says:

    The narrated version was very good !! Your English is just fine. Thank you for another wonderful lesson.

  3. VIKTORIA says:

    I just had the chance to watch your narrated video. I like both of them! I don;t know if you find difficult to talk in English, but it was great!
    Personally, I like both of them because sometimes I am working on a pc without a sound card, so I have to stick with your subtitles. However, I also enjoyed the narrated version because it make the lesson more personal.
    Amazing work either way!!!

    I am anxiously waiting for your night video tutorials which it looks wonderful!

  4. VIMAL M.P says:

    beautiful…personally i like it.:)

  5. Mohamed Aouam says:

    narrated version is better 🙂

  6. Reyan says:

    hello sir,
    hats off to you, today is my first day of premium but today only
    i felt to learn something about vray with your tutorial.
    just amazing.

  7. Alejandro villar lluna says:

    I like both at the same time.Narrated and the important keys write,Because my English compresion is not good.

  8. FATiH KADIOGLU says:

    explorere and google chrome delicate rooms finals files didnt downloding

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