Monsters Inc. with V-Ray Fur! | Cg Blog

Monsters Inc. with V-Ray Fur!


Hey guys! How are you today? ๐Ÿ™‚
I’m going to talk about VRay Fur and the newร‚ย  VRay Hair Material.

I want to show you how to create a shader very similar to the wonderful Sullivan‘s fur in the movie Monsters, Inc. (Pixar):

* VRAY-HAIR-MTL > V-RAY version 2.20 (minimum) requiredร‚ย  *


Do you want to know more about? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Although it may seem complex and only for super-nerd-experts… this result is really simple to achieve and you can create a lot of nice objects with Monsters&Co look after this little tutorial! Your friends and your colleagues will admire you I’m sure!

If you’re a boy, your girl friends will love you on facebook… if you are a girl.. mhhh.. let me know! ๐Ÿ˜€


Ok, enought taking.. Lets’ start.

The START scene just include a V-Ray Sun, basic settings for Global illumination and a Torus Knot whith some genetic modification! Nothing new, nothing special until now. If you just click render you’ll get someting like this:

At first Select the TorusKnot object, then go to > Create > VRay > click on VRayFur.
You’ll see something like this in your viewport:

Let’s adjust some parameter of VRayFur (check the commentaries!):

  • Lenght: 14cm
  • Thikness: 0,1 cm
  • Taper: 1,0
  • Knots: decrease to 6 (reduce the segment of a single hair to save memory)
  • “Per Area”: increase to 8,0 (take care with option! This to get a lot of hairs. For tests start from 2,0)

Note: VRayFur should need more memory – If you need more memory, avoid “unload geometry” by setting > Render Panel > Settings > Dynamic memory Limit = 4000 (for me this works fine)

This is the render with a generic V-Ray Material (In VRayFur, “per Area” = 2,0)

Now it’s time to create this funny shader:
I just mixed two VRayHairMtl using a standard BLEND material.

The map I used to mix them into 1 material is “Cellular“.
Click on the image below to have a clear idea of this simple structure… easier to see than explain, as usual!

  • To get a more brilliant “VRayHair” I just increased Primary Specular to Rgb 130,130,130
  • To get green and violet hairs I modified “trasmission” option in VRayHair
  • To get a “polka dots” effect I manipulated Cellular options

Set you materials following the red boxes, add this shader to the VRayFur object and click render!!!
And that all folks, my friends, so easy! ๐Ÿ™‚


Create your objects with “Monsters&co look” and share them your renders on Facebook, twitter, Pininterest and PLEASE also share this post: invite your friend to come here!

Here the START scene if you want to follow the tutorial, and the FINAL to check the options:

Share & Enjoy!
Ciro Sannino
V-Ray Licensed Instructor – link


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/ Also Learn Corona Renderer

33 Responses

  1. Carlos Leon says:

    Hello Ciro.
    In my VRay list of material I not find the VRayHairMtl material you name, why can it be?

    Thanks (sorry for my english)

  2. user says:

    if i use mix or v-ray blend mat instead of stander blend .. will be the same or the result will be different ?

  3. Wonderful tutorial!
    you really can’t beat VRay fur. It’s just so easy to use

  4. hamid reza Zare says:

    Thank you .
    I Hope that you will be successfully in work.

  5. Sven says:

    awesome – thank you very much ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. SAEID says:


    Thanks Ciro.
    How can use mask for concrete wall?

  7. Parinya says:

    cool ! very helpful thank you

  8. Vi Nguyen says:

    hi! It’s had a dynamic vrayfur?

  9. ruel flores says:

    wow… so easy to use thanks…

  10. RRamesh says:

    Nice & Use full one……Thank u……….

  11. Johncyc says:

    this is great …thank a lot

  12. mayara says:

    When put to render, 3ds max closes automatically.
    how can I fix this?


    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Mayara,
      I think you don’t have enough memory to handle the settings. Just reduce “Per area” to 1,0 and check it ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. IDOUAKSIM Soufiane says:

    how we can apply a color of white hairs. (as head of white hair) ?

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Soufiane,
      the first parameter of VRayHairMtl is the color: just choose “white”, shiny or matte.
      Check this screeshot >
      As you can see there are different colors you can choose. (In this tutorial I created “MonstersInc” colors by hands because there was no presets for this.)

  14. IDOUAKSIM Soufiane says:

    thans sir ciro but i want this result with vrayfur
    click here screenshot :

  15. FUREEK says:

    Wish I had time to learn how to do this.
    Love it!

  16. Mathias says:

    Hi Ciro,

    Really great tutorial!
    I’ve got 2 questions ๐Ÿ™‚

    1) When I finally render the Image the result is great en totally the same as you explained it in your tutorial! but when i try to save the image I get this result:

    it’s always very grey whin i save…What could be the problem of this?

    2) Is it still possible to buy you’re book? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Kind regards,


    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Mathias,
      in preferences -> Gamma and LUT -> OUTPUT must be 1,0 (probably this is your problem)
      About the book here the link:

      Thank you!

      • Mathias says:

        Haha thanx a lot!
        This was indeed the problem!!
        My output and my input gamma were both 2,2

        and soon you can sent a book to belgium ๐Ÿ˜‰
        Really love you’re tutorials…
        Hope i could ever make olso renders like yours

        kind regards,


      • Mathias says:

        Hi Ciro,

        I tried sending last week a mail to
        for more information about lessons…

        Did you receive this?
        Because my e-mail is acting strange ๐Ÿ™‚

        kind regards!


  17. assem :) says:

    pleas help me i want file called VRayHairMtl its missing on my computer
    pleas send it
    My program is vray 2.00.03
    64 bit
    advance thanks

  18. Asim says:

    V. Interesting ………. Excellent Work Ciro…….. Good Luck ! :-O)

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