In this lesson I’ll talk about mapping and V-Ray Materials.
- HD VIDEO / Narrated / 19′
- MAX FILES to download with all the V-Ray settings
- MAX FILES to try / exercise
- Multi sub-object material ID + Object ID + UVWmap ID;
- How to map different channels with UVWmap;
- How Unwrap UVW works;
- How to make a water material;
- How to use opacity channel;
- How to make a bonfire.
This is the image you’ll get at the end of this lesson:
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V-Ray Materials / Step 3
There are different ways to apply textures and adjust its size and position of each element according to the scene, even to different polygons of our objects. A very practical way of doing it in architectural visualization is to use the UVW Map, however exist a very precise method used in the film and video game industries called Unwrap, which can sometimes help.
This is a preview about how to map with UVW Map, using the channels:
In the video below I show you two differents ways to apply a texture, achieving a perfect mapping, you will know how works the UVW map ID and Unwrap. Also we learn how to create a water material and how create an easy bonfire.
- Always use image referece to make the difference in your works;
- Don’t trust in your fantasy or your toughts: use reference images;
- MIX can be used to create different shades on a single object;
- Opacity channel works with gray scale: white = visible / black = invisible;
- Multisub-object ID is used to organize different materials on a single object;
- Assign ID to every face of your object using Edit Poly modifier;
- Use UVW map + Map channel to control your textures with different IDs;
- Usw Unwrap to map complex surfaces;
Opacity maps are often used to hide/reveal obejcts. One of the most common uses is with leafs: in fact you don’t need to model any leaf, just use a polygon and an appropriate opacity map. In this specific lesson we used the same concept to recreate the wave effect on the beach:
Download and open the “start†file you see below, and tra using the different techniques illustrated in the video. Play with this parameters and match the textures in the houses as you want:
- 4×4-Materials / START
- 4×4 – All textures (put in the same folder)
Creating all these materials could take longer than usual. So download the Max File to get the STEP-3 (materials) completed:

Great Ciro, nice to see unwrap uw in action.. 🙂
Fantastic! Very simple explanations for complex issues.
toujours des nouveaux astuce merci ciro (y)
Excelent Ciro thanks for the multiple mapping surfaces, it’s very useful and saves me a lot of time!!