Reduce time to render for big images. | Cg Blog

Reduce time to render for big images.

If you’re creating a big resolution render ( for example 5000 x 3500 px) you can low some values in order to reduce the time to render.

Final quality will be the same because this values are related to the pixels.
Bigger image has more quality becasue has more pixels itself.

For this reason you can use these parameters below: render will be faster.


Render a little portion of your image and compare classical parameters for test with these ones.
If they are egual use this trick.

5 Responses

  1. M'barek El baz says:

    is that in can use this trick to the resolution as 3000 x 4000 x 1500px or 2000px?
    รƒยจ che in grado di usare questo trucco per la risoluzione di 3000 x 4000 x 1500px o 2000px?


  2. Hina Chitalia says:

    Hi Ciro,

    Can u just explain what is the function & effect of
    Min rate & Max rate in custom preset &
    When give minus value & when give plus value.

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Hina,
      the most important is “Max” Rate becasue it define how precise must be the calculation. MAX RATE = 0 means the maximun precision for video-sized images. But if you are rendering a big image you dont need all this precision! To give you an example figure out to paint a wall in you house and suppose you want to be precise: probably you’ll use a very small brush. Now, figure out to pait a building facade and suppose you want to be precise: I’m sure you’ll use a large brush…. are you thinking to use a small brush on a building facade!?! I’m sure not ๐Ÿ˜‰ The idea of precision involve different measures for MAX RATE bacause the output size is different. I hope this helps!

  3. sandro diaz says:

    Muy buen ejemplo Ciro, con eso has ayudado a ver de forma facil como funciona esto. gracias por el aporte!

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