Have you ever got these splotches? | Cg Blog

Have you ever got these splotches?

Sometimes we can get sploches and it could be really difficult detect the origin of this problem.


If you have glass materials in your scene, splotches like that:

could be caused by glass material without “affect shadows” enabled. If you active it this is the result:


Enabling this option you let direct light passing through the glass. For example if you have a direct light like sun, this option let sun rays coming in the interior.

In this case, this option disabled doesn’t stop the V-Ray Light rays but produce a lot of noise and increase a lot the render time:

  • affect shadows – disabled: 133 secs with noise
  • affect shadows – enabled: 39 secs without noise

If you want to test the differences DOWNLOAD THIS SCENE SAMPLE

One Response

  1. sandro diaz says:

    es comun aveces olvidar darle el “check” en la casilla affect shadows.

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