V-Ray Light is the equivalent of a real soft box. Let’s see how it works :
- Physical Camera: Set White Balace as “NEUTRAL” for non-exterior scenes
- Use Watts as units (1*)
- Flag “store with irradiance map” for fast tests:
shadows result really approximated, but the render is fast! - Use “temperature” mode to get warm 5000< | >5000 cold  lighting with ease (2*)
- Change V-Ray Light sizes for strong/diffuse shadows (never use Scale Tool!)
- You can quikly test your render with vray-TEST or with V-Ray RT: it’s the same. (3*)
(1*) Using unit “Default” if you change the size of the V-Ray Light you also change the emission.
Instead, using “watts”, if you change the size, emission doesn’t change: keep constant.
(2*) You can use “color” or “temperature” mode, it’s the same. Temperature mode just helps you to easly pick the right color for warm and cold.
(3*) V-Ray Real Time do not appromate anything! For this it does not support  “Store with irradiance map” and many others. Dont’ care the warinings: just disable and never mind 😉
– Download THIS ‘SIMPLE’ SCENE | OBJ Version. V-Ray Camera is included (white balance > Neutral!)
– Assign a generic V-Ray material to all objects (always!)
-Â Create a V-Ray light
– Load vray-TEST and start testing your scene
– Find the right lighting balancing “multiplier” (Light) and “Shutter Speed” (Camera)
– Create warm and cold lighs, try strong and diffuse shadows
– Before to hit the final render remember to unflag “store with irradiance map” for perfect shadows!
– Load vray-FINAL preset and hit render
– Check “FINAL” version: you’ll find 4 lights as example.
Don’t turn on all lights togheter: Just try them one by one
I put a white light but the scene results reddish. What happens?
If your scene is a little bit reddish, it means you forgot to set white balance as “Neutral”.
Go to Lesson 5
HI Ciro,
This type of setting we can use in every interior scene?
I can’t diiferenciate the effect of radiant power & luminus power ?can you explain me?
tempertature mode use in exterior scene?
Hi Hina, nice to read you again! 🙂
The goal of this lesson is how a v-ray light works. This lesson it’s not related to interior or exterior etc.. it’s just the basics about V-Ray Light.
There are no differences in the result. It’s just an easier way to manage. PLease I explain that in the point (1*)
You can also use color mode.
But “Temperature” is the easier way to find the right color for warm and cold.
hi ciro,
very nice leeson thx
actually i tried everything is ok , but active shade is not working well
this msg appears :
entering server mode – waiting for render requests on port ?
what can i do ?
Hi Mahmoud,
what V-Ray version do you have?
(Sometimes cracked version has this kind of problems)
its vray adv 2.20.02
Hi Ciro ,
few questions:
1)I have some noise in every scene even using the final setting
2) the immage I get from the VRT is always more bright than the one I usually have with the render , but it’s the same of the clone render view from the g buffer
3) my Graphic card is NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M and I’m not able to change the setting from CPU
do you think I have to change it?
I’m working with Vray 2.00
Ciao Giovanni,
ti rispondo per punti:
1) final setting non è per una scena “pulita” definitiva, è solo l’inizio dopo bisogna sempre verificare altri fattori come indicato – ad esempio – in questo step 4
2) questo non dovrebbe succedere. Ti suggerisco di contattare l’assistenza v-ray perché se hai seguito tutte le mie indicazioni allora è un difetto della tua versione.
3) se intendi dire che vuoi usare GPU, per quella devi partire dalla gtx 570 (intorno ai 500 cuda)
Spero di esserti stato d’aiuto 🙂
Hi , Ciao
i am practicing on LES04 – simple object – FINAL in this file there are 4 vraylight in this when i render with small size vray light thatis (vray for strong shadow) Blue color coming on object.
Hi Shahid, probably it’s because the color for this light is blue. I don’t remember exaclty.. but I think so 🙂
when using the lesson 4 final max file – the shadows appear to be noisy. Just curious how you would remove the noise. I thought the settings for final would result in smooth rendering including the shadows.
Hi Kevin, there are many way to “clean” the image and specifically the shadows. You can do that simply increasing “subdivds” In V-Ray light panel (default value is 8). Try to increase to 30.
Hi Ciro,
After playing with the final max file lighting, I found that my render is twice as quick with the light subdivds set to 64. Why would it be quicker going from 8 (noisy)@ A32 second to 64 (fine) and only 17 seconds. I thought it should be the other way around. Is there a reason?
Hi Taylor, despite of our settings V-Ray has also its own internal algorithm (we can’t control) to improve its performaces. In some cases it could happens.. in these cases just be happy ^^
Hi Ciro,
This lesson in great because in helping me to understand how the vray light works and how to use it, I wasn’t aware how this settings works and what do they mean.
Thank you Ciro, I never used the light in Watts, so this lesson helped me to understand how really light works, and not just numbers without any reason!!