Studio Light is achieved balancing 3 lights. Watch this video :
- In the basic studio light we have a hiearchy of 3 lights
- First Light (also called key light) is the main light: it determines the shadows.
- Secondary Light is just for brighten the shadows
- Fill light need to light the background if needed
- Test the intensity of every light one-by-one
- Use Warm/Cold lighting to create an interesting image
- Your 3 lights are balanced but you need generally less light?
Don’t break the balance! Just increase shutter speed.
Download THIS PACK | OBJ Version and try to reproduce the image below, balancing the 3 lights:
For any doubt check the “FINAL” version.
TIP: Remember that flagging “Store with irradiance map” you’ll get approximate shadows.
Consider that in this approach only the First light will produce relevant shadows.
So speed up the final render flagging “Store with..” for Secondary and Fill light!
Create a nice balance of  light and the most important step of entire workflow is done!
Believe me: it’s everything here. You’ll see in the lesson 8 how adding materials is so easy.
This approach is valid for objects, interiors and exteriors.
Create a nice light balancing and your work will be great!
Go to Lesson 6 Â (soon… )
Hi, Ciro,
In this tutorial you told , when over exposure in scene then increase shutter speed.
but some time in particular place there is
overexposure (means some little area very sharp-blur).how we remove that blurness
from that particular place or area
Hi Hina,
this is just a basic lesson.
If something I explain in this lesson is not clear feel free to ask! 🙂
More specific cases will be explained in future lessons.
Thanks a lot for the lessons, i will be waiting for the next lessons 🙂
very simple but very effective. you learn very fast when you learn from the pro
I did not know the neutral before ! very interesting ! thank you !
Hi, Ciro
how can we remove or reduce the noise in the whole image and specifically from the shadow, the image produced in the final render also has noise..what is the reason for that.?
I’ll exaplain that in future lessons 🙂
Thank you so much for these lessons. This may be obvious but I was wondering if resolution needs to be considered when lighting and rendering.
Hi Raquel,
while lighting you can work in low resolution (irr map = low / ligh cache = 500 / Antialiasing 0 adaptive subdivs / noise threshold = 0,01) in order to get fast previews. You can also work with V-Ray RT… Increase your parameters just for the final render. Of course you can use super-high parameters also for previews, if time doesn’t exist for you 🙂