Lesson 7 | V-Ray IES | Cg Blog

Lesson 7 | V-Ray IES

V-Ray IES is a spot light with photometric curve:



  • Load .ies file into “NONE” to assign a photometric curve
  • You can download tons of .ies files for free on lamp website producers
  • “Nice.ies” is the most famous ies file because it works really good
  • Power is in candels, so don’t worry about so high vaules!


Download ES07-VRAY_IES.ZIP | OBJ Version and do the same you watched in the video.

V-Ray Ies just simulate the light. Use VRayLightMtl to simulate the source light.
(Use “compensate exposure” for fast setting!)


14 Responses

  1. Hina Chitalia says:

    I can’t download.

    It shows-404-file can’t found

  2. Mohamed Aouam says:

    with compensate exposure it fine automaticly le necessary value ?

  3. Mohamed Aouam says:

    thank you πŸ™‚

  4. Denis Drozhzhov says:

    Hi, Ciro.
    I noticed that on a render IES light does not produce area shadows.
    Is there a way to fix that?

  5. venugopal venugopal says:

    Dear ciro,

    I was working on it.Everithing ok except last step.I applied vraymaterial
    I cant see option COMPENSATE CAMERA EXPOSURE.I am using max11.There is another options in max11

    • Ciro Sannino - Auth says:

      Hi Venugopal,
      it depends on the vray version (not 3ds max)… anyway just increase its MULTIPLIER, it’s totally the same.

  6. venugopal venugopal says:

    Dear ciro, I have vray 1.50.sp5.Now i got it by increasing multiplier

  7. vijay ponnambalam says:

    Everything going nice

  8. Naiara says:

    Hi Ciro,

    i downloaded the scene, but anytime i render, i see the same in all viewports, thats a render from Top view, though i tried from VRay Camera, Front, Left,…

    Perhaps i modified something unconsciously.

    Thank you in advance.

  9. Naiara says:

    Yess!! that was, its solved now πŸ˜‰

    I created my own scene on Friday to avoid that and move forward, however today, ive reopened that first file to see and learn, and you were right! it was locked on Top view.

    Thank you very much.

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